6 Uses for the Wii U Controller’s Camera
The Wii U controller’s front-facing camera is a curious feature. The inclusion of a camera in a game controller is quite novel, but how practical can it be in actual games? Several weeks ago, long before we even knew what the Wii U was called, a few users at the forums came up with several […]
Could Project Café’s controller have a rumbling touchscreen?
Remember that patent Nintendo got last January, for a rumbling touchscreen? Back then, we all thought it was going to show up in what is now known as the 3DS (it hadn’t been announced back then, and it was referred to as the “DS 2,” much like we’re calling the Wii’s successor the “Wii 2” […]
Getting ready for Nintendo’s investor relations meeting
A short guide to what we can expect to hear from Nintendo’s investor relations meeting tomorrow, and how you can follow it.