Wii Surpasses 34 Million US Sales
Nintendo put out a press release today that revealed some interesting figures about the Wii’s sales. According to the release, the Wii is now well past an impressive 34 million units sold in the US. This is one third of the way there to meeting the goal of 45 million US consoles Reggie set back in November.
Additionally, the press release notes that the Wii is the first console in the world to have sold over 7 million units per year for three consecutive years in a row. It’s quite impressive and reassuring to hear, particularly after the news came of the little white box supposedly slowing down.

Thanks to big releases like Retro Studios' Donkey Kong Country Returns, the Wii had a monster of a holiday season.
Responsible for this jump in numbers has, for a large part, been the monster Black Friday Nintendo had, as well as the releases of a number of notable games since November (when the Wii was still at just 30 million). I think we can expect the next massive spike of sales when The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword hits later this year, after which I believe the Wii will slowly start tweeting off into the sunset for the final few million sales (unless Nintendo come out and surprise us with something else super-awesome after Zelda). Once they reach the goal, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo had the Wii’s successor ready to reveal as soon as a week or two later; the 3DS, if you recall, was revealed quite suddenly, too.
Source: Nintendo
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Congrats to Nintendo, they really are working hard, this time around. with the new faces this generation must’ve helped a lot too. With Reggie, and Iwata.
Reggie might not be the most popular but he still gets the job done, and I still remember, when he took the stage the first time at an e3 he kept on looking at the monitor, but since then he became more into it and I hope he stays with Nintendo, for more time.
nintendo aimed for 35 million in usa by end 2011 there 2006 goal they have beaten it by a full year AMASSING the fastest selling console in history… DS the fastest selling handheld both systems destroyed ps2’s record by a huge amount
wii and DS both sold more globally than any other systems in 2010 so kinect/move totally failed this christmas
BREAKING FUNNY NEWS Kinect is frying x360s reports of x360 red light of death over christmas when using kinect
microsoft are breaking x360’s delibratly to fake future sales that is obvious
x360 dieing minutes after the kinect dash update and moments after kinect plugged in THIS IS CONSPIRACY there trying to fake 2011 sales with replacment buys
This will probably stiffen there resolve to not release the Wii 2 too quickly as the Wii still has lots of life left in it.
I’d like to see what Retro Studios does on Wii2.