Nintendo discusses the Wii U’s name

Katsuya Eguchi, game designer and manager at Nintendo, discussed the ‘Wii’ in the Wii U, explaining that…

…there were also things [with Wii] that we weren’t able to accomplish with that system, that we would have liked to see in it. Wii U is kind of the natural progression in looking at what we did, how we changed gaming.

He went on to say:

This is the next logical step for us and we wanted to convey that in the name. in addition to that there are many Wii users out there – and we are very appreciative of this – who invested in lots of peripherals, such as more Remotes, balance boards, Classic Controllers, and they can continue to use these peripherals with Wii U as well. We wanted to make sure they understood that.

This is interesting, although I feel Nintendo should have gone for a more distinct name. They might see the same problem as with the 3DS, when people don’t realise it’s a totally new console.

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Comments, Reactions, and General Hooliganism

  1. BigGoof

    They keep saying they learned their lesson, but they obviously don’t. Like the topic says, they are going to have the same problem as the 3DS is having where people don’t know it’s a completely new hardware system from it’s predecessor.

    I’ve loved Nintendo since 1987, but they just don’t seem to get it anymore. They seem completely out of sync with their fans.

  2. Mariomaster1

    True Nintendo fans could care less about the name…..because chances are they’ll still give us the usual awesmazing games no matter what! Not to mention all the interesting game play mechanics they’ll likely create to go along with the new Wii U controller and its unique touch screen.

  3. Deuce

    Well yeah, the lack of distinction is kinda the idea. It allows people to easily transition from the Wii to the Wii U without having to reacquaint themselves with a new console all over again. If they get confused, that’s the point. In that confusion, they’ll have to check out exactly what makes the Wii U so different from the Wii and in the process, they’ll know exactly how different it is.

  4. BigGoof


    Well yeah, the lack of distinction is kinda the idea. It allows people to easily transition from the Wii to the Wii U without having to reacquaint themselves with a new console all over again. If they get confused, that’s the point. In that confusion, they’ll have to check out exactly what makes the Wii U so different from the Wii and in the process, they’ll know exactly how different it is.

    And that’s been working out wonderfully for them with the 3DS right?

  5. zxride64

    Nintendo needs to do good advertising, they need to make it seem like a new system not an add on to the wii. They should compare it to the wii and show how it is different like the games that the wii can’t play like Darksiders 2.

  6. bill

    The 3D in 3DS leads people to believe that it’s just a DS with 3D.

    The U in Wii U will leave people curious instead of implying the wrong thing. Then they will research what the diffrence is, that is what Deuce ment.

  7. andodel

    @BigGoof: I dunno, 4 million sold isn’t that bad for about half a year.
    I actually like the 3DS’ name, although Wiiu is certainly debatable. They are probably hoping that the casuals will see it and say “Well, I loved my Wii, so I’ll love the Wiiu”. While you could say gamers are lost, that’s not entirely true, since a real gamer would buy a console because of what it is, not it’s name. Basically, I don’t think that name is a huge issue, although I myself would have preferred something else.

    • Jmaster720

      I’m just curious? what name would you have prefer

  8. Jenetty72

    …Or they could just name the new console “Wii-2” wich,despite how ordinary may sound ,it communicates the message to the masses that this is a new console and not a rehash way better.

  9. Jmaster720

    That is the most dumbest Reason I Have heard from Nintendo Honestly that’s Ridiculous When will Nintendo learn there lesson WHEN?!!?

  10. kaioslive09

    all of u thtaclam to be nintendo fans really arnt i for one have faith for them the system name doesnt bother i play games for wut they are and wut i like if u all have lost faith in them thats ur down fall nintendo brought gameing back from the great video game crash

  11. kaioslive09

    u all js need to know that cause if it wasnt for them there wouldnt be no gaming

  12. NintendoGuy128

    How about the “New Wii”? Or the Super Wii?

    • 345link

      I say they should name it…Nintendo Next! Or NES Next. Wii U is going to confuse some people but so did Super Nintendo and look how that turned out!