iOS developer declares Wii U a “Fisher Price iPad”

Fisher Price Logo

Michael Schade, the CEO of German developer Fishlabs, described the Wii U as a “Fisher Price iPad,” following a comment that the dedicated console market is dying – this shortly after an analyst predicted the exact opposite, no less.

Nintendo… if you read about what Iwata said about iPhone, how he didn’t take it seriously, and now they come out with a Wii U that looks like a Fisher Price iPad. I mean, they had a great success introducing the Wii, and you should respect that, but right now everything tells me that Nintendo are not in a good way.

His company is a studio that develops iOS games exclusively, and there’s nothing wrong with that; but this sounds almost like an insult to Nintendo. The iPad and the Wii U share a large touchscreen, but the similarities end there – the Wii U’s buttons, Circle Pads, and ergonomics set it apart as a viable gaming device, while the iPad’s slim form factor makes it a good business and web surfing device.

Special thanks to nintendo3DS for the tip.

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Comments, Reactions, and General Hooliganism

  1. Wilaman

    Wow… just wow. That hurts me as a Nintendo supporter.

  2. Mukkinese

    Oh dear, seems like someone is sulking? He thinks iOS games are the same as console games? Not yet Michael, but keep on trying.

  3. kaioslive09

    w/e fisher price suck’s anyway . HATER’S WII UMAD?

  4. Poor little iOS developer.

    Someone’s a little butthurt.

  5. Mariomaster1

    Who gives a flying “f” what he thinks…..I know I don’t! The WiiU will forever be excepted through the eyes of a true Nintendo fan…..or any one who could care less about what “the man” thinks regarding it. Fans happy= Nintendo’s Goal Accomplished!

  6. AMAC

    Yeah, because the iPad is a much more advanced system and creates a much better gaming experience than the Wii U will. :p No offence, but the Fishlab games I’ve played, have tended to be free promotional games which last about ten minutes. I don’t really see why he’s felt the need the comment on the Wii U, seeing as it’s a completely different system to the iPad and is designed for very different games.

  7. Bas

    hmm. The iPad has not even buttons and Nintendo doesn’t want to imitate an iPad with is new controller.

  8. Waller

    Says so the Fisher Price dev.

  9. nintendofreak247

    Shigeru Miyamoto has stated that the Wii U began development a while before the iPad was even released.

    Case closed.

    • GameCollector44


  10. James

    No one seems to listen when Reggie says that this is NOT a tablet…

  11. James

    I just want the Wii U to be released and have people play the high-graphical shooters that are available so they will stop calling it a children’s toy…

  12. James

    I don’t know aboot you guys, but I would definitely prefer using a full set of traditional console controls rather than a giant screen for ALL controls…

  13. tadpole

    wiiu pad and wii remote are the most advanced usable universal inventive creative games controllers ever concieved FACT…

    fisher price gaming = iphone,ipad,social networks etc

    exactly what this guy works on IDIOT again the usa computer industry cough cough attacks the god of videogaming….HEAD IN HANDS….

    post 1 how can stupidity hurt U

  14. GameCollector44

    And…when did we start listening to iOS developers? It’s not like they make real games…

  15. miiworld2

    And your iPad is a crash dump, Michael Shade! So before you come and diss Nintendo, FIX YOUR CHIZ!

  16. hawthorneluke

    Putting a screen in something = ipad copy? Because an ipad also has a screen?
    Ok lol

  17. hawthorneluke

    And then, nintendo “not agreeing” with the iWhatever way of saturating the market with a billion $1 games has then gone completely against what they said by putting a controller in a screen?
    I fail to see the relation.
    Does this iWhatever person really think these iDevices invented the screen and anything with one is a copy? lol

  18. What a moron this Michael Schade is. As for the industry of console gaming, I hope Nintendo saves the console gaming industry…again.

  19. bloop

    Haters gonna hate

    I am sure if it were Fisher Price, then it would have colorful buttons and all that crap, not a headphone jack, rumble features and… gyroscopes?

  20. Meanie

    Iwata thinks that casual games like Farmville is an insult to the video game industry. But he is wrong and this kind of stubborn thinking will kill the Nintendo. As long as the consumer want these so called casual games, there will be bigger profit to it.