Retro Studios working on a Wii 2 project “everyone wants”

Finally, we’ve got a fresh rumour that is neither about the elusive Project Café controller nor Nintendo’s mission to recapture the hardcore. Word has it that Retro Studios, Nintendo’s famous Texas studio, is working on a game for the Wii 2.

Retro Studios Logo

According to the Paul Gale Network, the house of Metroid is taking on “a project that everyone wants [them] to do.” Not only that, but they claim to be one of the very first developers to be entrusted with a Wii 2 development kit – not surprising, really, considering how close Nintendo and Retro have become, and their incredible track record for quality gaming experiences – and have been working on their secret project ever since.

Paul says the information comes from a personal conversation he had with two employees from the studio. Now, anybody could go ahead and just say something like that, but RawmeatCowboy of GoNintendo has given the rumour his personal endorsement, which probably means something.

Emily Rogers’ last Wii 2 rumours (well, sort of)

For the last month or so the Wii 2 blog has been reporting on Emily Rogers’ rumours that she has received from her sources. Some of them have been believable and some of them haven’t. She has now made a list of Wii 2 rumours which she guarantees to be true or, apparently, she will never write again.

I guess the reasons why she has taken these extreme measures is because a lot of her rumours have been called fake. Now she has decided to “risk it all” as it were. I know some of you are sceptical about the news she gives but I’ll tell you anyway and then you can formulate your opinion.

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