Super Smash Bros. 4 to be unveiled at E3 2013
Satoru Iwata announced that the first “screens” of the next Super Smash Bros. game will be shown at this year’s E3. What exactly that means is yet to be determined. Keep your eyes peeled when E3 rolls around this June.
Sakurai ready to begin work on Smash Bros. Wii U
Super Smash Bros. was announced for the Wii U and 3DS back at E3 2011. Since then, it has become one of the most anticipated games coming to the Wii U even though development hadn’t even started. It now seems that Masahiro Sakurai is finally ready to get to work on the titles. Over the months […]
Sakurai’s response to the Super Smash Bros. Universe “leak”
Sakurai indirectly responded to the “leaked” Super Smash Bros. Universe information from a couple of days ago with a tweet, making it very clear that he’s still busy wrapping up Kid Icarus: Uprising, and that characters for the next Smash Bros. are far from decided yet. I’m currently concentrating on one title, Kid Icarus. Until this wraps […]
Rumour: Leaked ‘Super Smash Bros. Universe’ fact sheet
An image has been making its rounds on the Internet, which is purported to be a leaked fact sheet for the next Super Smash Bros. game – or Super Smash Bros. Universe, as it is titled in the document.
How the different Super Smash Bros versions might connect
One of the most anticipated titles coming to the Wii U is a new Super Smash Bros game. It was announced at E3 that a Super Smash Bros game would be coming to both the Wii U and the 3DS. Iwata also mentioned that the two versions would also connect with each other in some way. Masahiro […]
Super Smash Bros. 4 may feature a Capcom character
Speaking to IGN in an interview, Masahiro Sakurai had a couple of interesting things to say about Super Smash Bros. When asked about the possibility of a Capcom character or two making it into the game’s Wii U and 3DS installment, he replied: I can’t say that it’s entirely out of the realm of possibility […]