Two Tribes are bringing Toki Tori 2 to the Wii U
We first heard about Two Tribes’s interest in bringing Toki Tori 2 to the Wii U from a tweet last month when they asked fans: who would like to see the platformer on Nintendo’s upcoming console? Now, in a recent post on their website Two Tribes have shown even more interest in bringing the game to […]
Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing sequel confirmed
According to Kotaku, a sequel to the racing game Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing is in development. The website reported that a SEGA rep confirmed the development of the game at a toy fair in New York. This comes less than a month after information from an anonymous developer suggested that this sequel was in […]
Wii U to boldly go where no console has gone before?
Cheesy headlines aside, it seems possible that the Star Trek game that was showcased at E3 2011 could make its way to the Wii U. The game, which is being developed by Digital Extremes and takes place after the 2009 Star Trek film, was expected to release in 2012 but it has now been delayed […]
Is Epic Mickey 2 coming to the Wii U?
The Twitter user @supererogatory claims to have heard that Junction Point are working on “implementing Wii U support for Epic Mickey 2“, the followup to 2010’s well-received Wii game. It’s currently unclear whether this refers to a discrete Wii U version of the game, or a singular Wii game that supports the Wii U’s tablet […]
Rumour: Lady Gaga: The Experience in development for Wii U?
Gaming blog Dual Pixels has received word that Ubisoft are currently working on a new entry in the The Experience series starring Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga: The Experience is allegedly in development for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, and PlayStation Vita; and was scheduled for an E3 2012 reveal. The past two games in […]
Multiplayer is “a big deal” for Aliens: Colonial Marines
Randy Pitchford, the CEO of Gearbox Software – who are currently developing Aliens: Colonial Marines – spoke on the studio’s approach to the game’s multiplayer modes in an interview with the official PlayStation Blog, explaining that it’s a major focal point of the game’s development. Multiplayer is a big deal for us. It’s getting a huge […]
Metro: Last Light delayed to Q1 2013
THQ announced at a recent investor relations meeting that Metro: Last Light has been delayed to the fourth quarter of their 2012 fiscal year – this translates to the first quarter of 2013, so we won’t be getting the game for at least another year from now. But despite this, Amazon are offering pre-orders for every […]
[Video] Two Ninja Gaiden 3 previews
Giant Bomb and GameTrailers had the chance to get some playtime with Ninja Gaiden 3 and put two great preview videos together. While they are of the Xbox 360 version, there’s lots of great footage here to help you get a feel for how the game will look and feel. Giant Bomb’s video in particular […]
Dead or Alive 5 to come to the Wii U?
Yosuke Hayashi, the head of Team Ninja, dropped a comment in a recent interview suggesting that Dead or Alive 5 might come to the Wii U. We’re thinking about all sorts of things. Right now, our Wii U development is focused just on Ninja Gaiden, but we’re definitely keeping other platforms in mind for DOA5. Dead […]
Team Ninja talk Wii U development
Team Ninja have been getting a lot of attention here with all the Ninja Gaiden 3 screenshots they’ve released, and some of the studio’s higher-ups recently commented on the Wii U development process. For one, working with Nintendo as a platform supplier is apparently quite a good experience: It’s very easy to develop for. We’re finding […]