Games Archive

Capcom is “close with Nintendo”

We’ve already heard several comments from Capcom with regards to the Wii U, but this next one hints that they might have something pretty big in mind. Christian Svensson, the VP of Capcom’s US division, had this to say. Coming to the topic of Wii U, we continue to have conversations about best to tackle […]

Amazon opens pre-orders for 7 Wii U games at $49.99 each has started taking pre-orders for seven Wii U games. Unlike the pre-order notification signup they’re offering for the Wii U itself, they’re taking actual pre-orders for these games now. Here’s the full list: Batman: Arkham City Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge Tekken Wii Successor Darksiders II Aliens: Colonial Marines Metro: Last Light Dirt Each […]

Yoshiaki Koizumi confirms Super Mario Wii U

It was only a matter of time before we got confirmation that a new Mario game would appear on the Wii U. Yoshiaki Koizumi, producer of the 3D line of main-series Mario adventures, did just that in an interview with The game is still in the earliest stages of development, so chances are slim […]

Wii U won’t be plagued by 3DS launch woes

The 3DS’s launch was highly anticipated, but soon fell flat as there was quite literally only a single standout game (and even that was a port of a console title). But in a shareholder meeting today, Iwata dropped a reassuring tidbit that gives us hope for a much stronger Wii U launch. He said that […]

EA promises launch titles for the Wii U

The period of time surrounding a new console’s launch is often a great opportunity for publishers to make their support known, as a single gem in the sea of mediocrity that such launches usually constitute, can easily rise above it all. EA’s Frank Gibeau has pledged his company’s support for the Wii U’s launch, all […]

Xenoblade developer working on Wii U game

The studio responsible for Xenoblade for the Wii are currently in the process of developing a Wii U game. Nintendo’s first party studio Monolith Soft are currently looking for programmers, designers and artists to work on the Wii U title. They have not shared any details about the game but the jobs that they are […]

Miyamoto confirms that Zelda is coming to the Wii U

The stunning “Legend of Zelda HD Experience” demo Nintendo showed at E3 got many of us (including myself) drooling at the possibility of seeing the masterful gameplay of the Zelda series finally combine with some high-caliber hardware. However, Nintendo made it very clear that it was only a demo, and not necessarily a real game […]

Wii U games might cost over $50

  Speaking to Gamasutra, Satoru Iwata dropped a few hints on what we can expect the pricing of Wii U games to be like. From the sound of it, there will be a much wider range than the $50 standard tag we’re used to, with the price of a game hanging on the value of […]

Street Fighter x Tekken to get a Wii U version?

It’s a possibility that the Wii U will get Street Fighter x Tekken, as Yoshinori Ono mentioned that he would like to get it on other platforms than the ones already being considered. When asked about whether the Wii U could get a version of the game he said, “Well, we’ve already gotten started with […]

Tekken Wii U online features

Series producer, Katsuhiro Harada was unable to confirm whether the Tekken game coming to the Wii U would be new or a port of a previous game but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t thought of what some online features of the game could be. In an interview, Harada suggested that the Wii U controller could […]