Assassins Creed III Wii U trailer unveiled
A trailer for the Wii U version of Assassin’s Creed has been unveiled.
You can watch it after the break.
A trailer for the Wii U version of Assassin’s Creed has been unveiled.
You can watch it after the break.
IGN conducted an interview with Takashi Tezuka, the director for New Super Mario Bros. U, earlier in the week for information regarding his most recent project [New Super Mario Bros. U].
You can read the interview after the break.
Miss the Nintendo 2012 E3 presentation or do you just want to see something again? Don’t fret, we have for you the entire presentation footage.
You can watch it after the break.
The full list of Wii U launch titles has been revealed, which you can find after the break. Note that some of the “launch titles” in this list are actually due for the so-called “launch window” – meaning, they won’t be there on day 1, but they’ll follow shortly afterwards.
This is also a great chance to see our new games database in action. While viewing this post, you can see a link to the database entry of every game mentioned here. Pretty cool, isn’t it?
This information comes from a NEOGaf member,
-Gamepad’s battery life is 3-5 hours
-2 hours and 30 minutes to charge
-depends on the brightness of the screen
-you can use gamepad while charging
Well, it’s about the same as a Nintendo 3DS, but at least with a home console, playing on the go won’t be an issue or worry since you’ll almost always be near an outlet to charge while playing.
We have some footage of Pikmin 3 gameplay not shown at the Nintendo conference.
You can view the video after the break.
Do you guys have virtual console games on your Wii? Well, we have great news for you.
In an interview with ABC News, Scott Moffitt, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Nintendo, said that in addition to Wii discs being backwards-compatible on the new Wii U, digital game collections purchased over the Wii Virtual Console will also be transferable over to the Wii U, likely remaining at standard definition.
It was revealed at E3 that there would be new Pikmin types in Pikmin 3, however, only the new rock pikmin were elaborated upon. If you check the first few seconds of the trailer for Pikmin 3, you will see what appears to be pink, flying pikmin. These were not spoken of at all in the trailer by Miyamoto. One appears to have a purple flower, reminiscent of the white and purple pikmin from the previous game. It’s unclear the true potential and abilities of these pikmin, but they do seem to actually be, well, new pikmin in Pikmin 3.
As you’ve probably heard by now, Pikmin 3 was revealed today. After the break, you can check out the game’s first trailer.